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When we are talking about solid oak flooring know that the oak family tree includes over 600 subspecies so you'll have plenty of colouring and textures to choose from. Also, it's a 100% natural material and it would fit perfectly in most residential homes.
Parquet can also surprise you with its variations as there are many more patterns available than the well-known and elegant herringbone. This type of flooring is usually glued down to remove any chance of movement of any piece.
These great solid oak parquet blocks are in natural grade which means there will be close to none of the colour variations and there will be some presence of surface defects like knots. The measurements are 20mm thickness, 70mm width and 350mm length.
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Fitting Quote
Book a fitting service for your Solid Oak Parquet Flooring Blocks, Natural, 70x20x350mm for only £00.00 excl. Vat, based on the area specified above. Quote are only for installation not including any flooring accessories materials or other services you may require. Unfinished products need additional sanding and sealing, not included in this price.
Our final quotes come with Materials & Labour Service Guarantee and are subject to an obligation free site visit (currently London areas only). All areas below 20 sqm are subject to a minimum charge.
For more information you can contact us on 020 88309782.